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The Perfect Gift - Texts
Nick Paul avatar
Written by Nick Paul
Updated over a week ago

Of course you also want to set fun and catchy texts for The Perfect Gift, this is possible for all active languages ​​in your webshop! πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί
Simply click on 'Edit' to open the text editor πŸ“

Of course, the app is completely easy to use in terms of texts, because we have already loaded a standard text for you! A 'gift' from us to you! 🎁
Do you want to change the texts? Then you can do this in the following fields.
🎁 Title popup: That goes without saying! Which title should appear in the popup?
🎁 Popup text: Enter the text for the popup here if the customer has not yet ordered the minimum amount to receive the gift.
🎁 Popup text (one gift): Depending on your settings you can set this, do you use 1 gift? Enter the title that will be displayed in the popup.
🎁 Popup text (several gifts): Basically the same as above, but for multiple gifts!
In addition, you will also see the available variables, this is currently the {{ min_order_amount } }. Enter this in the text to load the variable for the minimum order amount for the gift that you entered in the settings.

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