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Set a minimum order total to apply a discount code
Set a minimum order total to apply a discount code
Niels van Vlerken avatar
Written by Niels van Vlerken
Updated over a week ago

You can set a minimum order amount that is required to take effect in the checkout. Customers can apply standard discount codes regardless of the order total.

  1. In your eCom admin, go to Marketing.

    Geeft een pijl weer die over 'Marketing' zweeft in het hoofdmenu van de eCom-beheerder.
  2. Select Change on the relevant discount code or create a new one.

    Geeft een pijl weer die over de knop 'Wijzigen' zweeft.
  3. Scroll down to the SETTINGS section at the bottom of the page and enter a numeric value in the field labeled minimum spend to activate this discount code.

  4. Make sure to keep selected before discount unless you need a specific order total.

  5. Select Save.

    Geeft een pijl weer die over de knop 'Opslaan' zweeft.

Require a specific order total

Setting minimum spend to activate this discount code (numeric value))before discount is the most user-friendly method, because customers can easily find out how much they need to add to the order to get a discount. However, you can use post-discount to guarantee a specific order total. This can be useful when you need a certain amount of revenue to make a discount profitable.

For example, a customer tries to settle an order with an order total of 51.00. The discount line has a minimum order total of 50.00. And the discount code provides a discount amount of 10.00.

Depending on which setting is enabled:

Before discount

Because the order total (51.00) is higher than the minimum value (50.00), the discount is applied. The total of the order will be 41.00.

After discount

Because the order total (51.00) minus the discount (10.00) (51.00-10.00=41.00) is less than the minimum allowed order total (50.00), the discount will not be applied. The customer still needs to add 9.00 to the total value of the order in order to use the discount code.

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