Manage your blog
Niels van Vlerken avatar
Written by Niels van Vlerken
Updated over a week ago

Is your blog online and have you written your first blog posts? Then it is useful to know how to manage your blog. So you can allow your readers to comment or add tags to your blog. You can read here how that works.

Approve comments


When your readers leave a comment on your blog, and you have checked the option to approve comments first, you can manage this via the left menu in the back office. Go to Blogs > Comments via the left menu of the back office.


You can approve comments by clicking on them and the option Is this comment approved? to tick. Use the button Reply to the customer to reply to the comment.


Want to delete multiple comments at once? Then tick the desired reactions and choose the option Delete selected reaction(s) in the drop-down menu Bulk actions at the top leftof the screen.

Delete blog

You can delete your blog by at Blogs. Check the desired blogs and choose the option Delete selected comment in the drop-down menu Bulk actions at the top leftof the screen or open the blog you want to delete and click on Delete this blog at the bottom left.


Pay attention! If you delete a blog, all articles linked to that blog will also be deleted. Articles cannot be linked to another blog at a later date. Do you still want to keep all articles? Then every article within the blog must be copied and stored externally, for example in a Word document.

Custom code

If you have activated the template editor before the blog function has been added to your template, you must manually add the code for the blog function to your template editor. Add one of the codes below in the correct place to Custom.rain and Fixed.rain.

If you do not understand HTML, we advise you not to do this yourself!

Blog in the navigation

{% if shop.blogs %}
  {% for blog in shop.blogs %}
    <li class="item">
      <a class="itemLink" href="#{{ blog.url | url }}" title="#{{ 'Blog' | t }}">#{{ 'Blog' | t }}</a>
       <ul class="subnav">
        {% for article in blog.articles %}
          <li class="subitem"><a class="subitemLink" href="#{{ article.url | url }}" title="#{{ article.title }}">#{{ article.title }}</a></li>
       {% endfor %}
 {% endfor %}
{% endif %}                      

Blog in footer

{% if shop.blogs %}
 {% for blog in shop.blogs %}
   <h3><a href="#{{ blog.url | url }}" title="#{{ blog.title }}">#{{ blog.title }}</a></h3>
     <ul class="links" style="margin-bottom:20px;">
       {% for article in blog.articles %}
         <li><a href="#{{ article.url | url }}" title="#{{ article.title }}">#{{ article.title }}</a></li>
       {% endfor %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
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