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Customer column titles
Customer column titles
Niels van Vlerken avatar
Written by Niels van Vlerken
Updated over a week ago

This table provides an overview of all customer data that you can export. This is useful when creating your Customer Import Worksheet.

Col. #


Column name

Suggestions for mapping the columns on import



Customer - Internal ID



Customer - Registered with


Account details

Customer - Language


Required column

Customer - First name


Customer details

Customer - Middle name


Required column

Customer - Last Name


Required column

Customer - Email Address


Customer details

Customer - Phone


Customer details

Customer - Mobile


Account details

Customer - Type


Company details

Customer - Company Name


Company details

Customer - COC Number


Company details

Customer - Tax ID


Billing Information

Customer - Billing Contact


Billing Information

Customer - Billing address 1


Billing Information

Customer - Billing address 2


Billing Information

Customer - Billing house number


Billing Information

Customer - Billing Extension


Billing Information

Customer - Billing Zip Code


Billing Information

Customer - Billing Place


Billing Information

Customer - Billing Region


Billing Information

Customer - Billing Country


Shipping details

Customer - Shipping Contact


Shipping details

Customer - Carrier


Shipping details

Customer - Shipping Address 1


Shipping details

Customer - Shipping address 2


Shipping details

Customer - Shipping house number


Shipping details

Customer - Shipping extra


Shipping details

Customer - Shipping zip code Verzending


Shipping details

Customer - Shipping City


Shipping details

Customer - Shipping Region


Shipping details

Customer - Shipping Country


Account details

Customer - Groups


Customer details

Customer - Date of Birth


Customer details

Customer - Gender


Account details

Customer - Confirmed

Column title descriptions

The column title descriptions are grouped by similarity for ease of understanding. If you plan to import one of the column titles into a group, consider importing the rest of the group as well, as the information is related.

  • Required Columns

  • Account details

  • Customer details

  • Company details

  • Billing Information

  • Shipping information

  • System

Required Columns

The minimum required columns in a worksheet for a successful import.

Copy this table and paste it into your worksheet:




  • Firstname Firstname - Your customer's first name.

    • No length limit

  • Last Name Lastname - Your customer's last name.

    • No length limit

  • Email Email - Your customer's email address.

    • Must be formatted as an email address, including the @ symbol.

    • The email address will also be the customer's username.

    • Used by Lightspeed eCom to determine which customer needs to be updated on import.

    • The email address cannot be updated by importing. Attempts to edit it via import will result in the creation of a new client.

Account details

Import account information to monitor parts of the customer's account.

Copy this table and paste it into your worksheet:


Customer type



  • Language Language The language abbreviation used by the customer.

    • Must be enabled in the eCom Back Office > Settings > Store Country before importing a new language to a customer.

    • To know which abbreviation to use, see the Language table.

  • Customer type Customer type - Whether the customer is a Retail or businesscustomer.

    • If it is a business customer, select: Company

    • Otherwise it is a private customer.

  • Groups Groups - The customer group assigned to a customer.

    • Existing groups can be found in your eCom Back Office > Customers > Customer Groups.

    • Format: You can enter any group name in your import file exactly as shown. If the group does not exist in Lightspeed eCom, a new customer group will be created automatically.

  • Confirmed Confirmed - Whether the customer is allowed to login to their customer account.

    • The format of the cell contents is:

      • To confirm the customer, type: Yes

      • To not confirm the customer, type: No

Customer details

Import customer data when you want to add/edit personal data such as phone numbers and date of birth.

Copy this table and paste it into your worksheet:






  • Middle Name or Prefix LastnamePreposition - Your customer's middle name.

    • For Dutch names, where the surname prefix Van or Van der may be entered. For example, Amber van der Bijl:

      • Amber would be entered in the first name column

      • van der are entered in the column proposition

      • Bijl would be added in the last name column.

  • Phone Number Phone - The customer's main phone number.

  • Mobile Phone Number Mobile - The customer's mobile phone number.
    Enter a numeric value

  • Birthdate Birthdate - The customer's date of birth.

  • Gender Gender - The gender of a customer.

Company Information

Import business information when you have business-to-business (B2B) customers.

Copy this table and paste it into your worksheet:


Coc number

Vat number

  • Company Company - The name of the customer's company.

    • When a company is entered, it will be on the billing address.

  • Coc number Coc number - The number of the customer's chamber of commerce.

    • Only for European customers

  • VAT number Vat number - The customer's VAT number

    • Only for European customers

Billing Information

Import billing information for your customer account to simplify the checkout process once a customer logs into their account.

Copy this table and paste it into your worksheet:



Address 2







  • Attn. Attn - The person or office to which the package is addressed.

  • Street name Streetname The number and street name.

    • In North America, the building number appears before the street name. For example, 123 N Cannon Dr.

    • In Europe, enter only the street name.

  • Address 2 Address 2 Additional information required for the billing address.

    • For example, PO Box 123

  • Number Number - The house or building number that should appear after the street name in the billing address.

    • If the customer selects a North American country, this field will not be displayed.

    • For some European countries, the building number is after the street name.

    • For example, Surinamestraat 27

  • Extension Extension - Some zip codes have an extension, this number is entered here.

  • Postcode Zipcode - The postal code.

  • City City - The city of the billing address

  • Region Region - The province, state, or region of the billing address.

  • Country Country - The country of the billing address

Shipping information

Import shipping information for your customer account to simplify the checkout process once a customer logs into their account.

Copy this table and paste it into your worksheet:

Shipping Attn

Shipping company

Shipping Streetname

Shipping Address 2

Shipping Number

Shipping Extension

Shipping Zipcode

Shipping City

Shipping Region

Shipping Country

  • Shipping Attn. Shipping Attn - The person or office to which the package will be sent.

  • Shipping company Shipping company - The name of the company to which the shipping address is addressed.

  • Shipping Street Name Shipping Streetname - The street number and street name.

    • In North America, the building number appears before the street name. For example, 123 N Cannon Dr.
      In Europe, enter only the street name.

  • Shipping Address 2 Shipping Address 2 - Additional information required for the shipping address.

    • For example, PO Box 123

  • Shipping Number Shipping Number - The house or building number that should appear after the street name in the billing address.

    • If the customer selects a North American country, this field will not be displayed.

    • For some European countries, the building number is after the street name.

    • For example, Surinamestraat 27

  • Shipping Extension Shipping Extension -
    Some postcodes have an extension, this number is entered here.

  • Shipping Zip Code Shipping Zip Code - The zip code.

  • Shipping City Shipping City - The place of the shipping address

  • Shipping Region Shipping Region - The province, state or region of the shipping address

  • Shipping Country Shipping Country - The country of the shipping address


Information used by the system that appears on an export.

There is no reason to copy these fields into your worksheet when importing.

  • Internal ID Firstname - A permanent, unique number used by Lightspeed eCom for the customer page.

    • Unlike products, no required field when importing. The Import tool uses the email address to find a unique customer, not the internal ID.

    • Cannot be edited when importing

    • Appears as a number na /admin/customers/ in your eCom Back Office.

    • For example, if the internal ID is 123456, a customer's webpage could be:

  • Registered Firstname - The date and time the customer account was created.

    • Cannot be updated manually or via import.

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