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Send with Paazl
Niels van Vlerken avatar
Written by Niels van Vlerken
Updated over a week ago

Paazl is only available in the Netherlands and Belgium. For more information click here.

Paazl suits medium-sized brands & retailers with a shipping volume of approximately 5,000 packages per month.

Paazl is a specialist in shipping solutions. With the Paazl tool you give your customers extra shipping options, such as the option to choose a pick-up location in the checkout environment of your web store.

Under your own contract, you can link your chosen courier service to Paazl, for example DHL. That way you can manage everything from your Lightspeed back office.

Set Paazl

You can set Paazl at Settings > SHOP SETTINGS > Shipping Methods > Connect to Paazl.

You will then be taken to a page where you can set the following options.


  1. Enable this integration - activate Paazl by turning the switch active.

  2. Mode - set to Test if you want to link the shop to a Paazl test account (staging). Set to Live if you want to link the shop to a live account (ost) of Paazl.

  3. Webshop ID - this is the unique number of your account. This is provided by Paazl and can also be found in your Paazl account.

  4. Password - this is the unique password of your account. This is provided by Paazl and can also be found in your Paazl account.


  1. Use package when printing shipping labels - set the switch to active if you want to print multiple labels as '1 of n'. If you want to print multiple labels as '1 of 1' leave the switch off.

  2. Enable Paazl Perfect in checkout- offers Paazl Perfect as an option in checkout. Pay attention! You do need to have a contract with Paazl for this.

  3. Describe products - this is necessary if you want to use UPS. Here you enter the type of product you sell (for example: medicines, furniture).

  4. Tax rate - here you set the tax rate for your shipping costs. You must first create this under Settings > PAYMENT SETTINGS > Taxes.

  5. Country of Origin - this option is only necessary for Fedex shipping. Fedex wants to see the country of origin entered.

  6. Maximize labels- Paazl counts the number of products in your shopping cart and prints the same number of labels. Here you can set a maximum number of labels per order (regardless of the number of products). Most users set this to 1.

  7. Insured Amount - You can allocate a default amount to an additional insurance/increased liability shipment here.

  8. Translations - you can change the naming of your shipping options here. The internal names can be found in your Paazl account via Settings > Account > Overview shipping options. You can change the name by including the internal name in this field, adding a space at the end, and then adding the desired name. A name change must be entered line by line and separated by a enter.

Set up delivery matrix

In your Paazl account you can activate the shipping options, enter rates and set the Paazl Matrices. With the latter you can decide for yourself when you show which shipping options and rates. For more information about setting up the Matrix in Paazl, please refer to the Paazl manual.

Add matrix to Lightspeed

You can now directly assign a specific Paazl matrix to a product. To do this, go in the back office of Lightspeed in the left menu to Products and select a product. Then click on a variant under STOCK & VARIANTS.

A pop-up window opens under WEIGHTS / SIZES, you will find the option Matrix. When you click on this, the drop-down menu opens in which you can select a Matrix that directly corresponds to the relevant matrix in the Paazl account.

Paazl One click shipping

The default value of the barcode on a packing slip is the shipment number (SHIP00001). If you use Paazl One-click-shipping, this number must be the order number (ORD00001) instead of the shipping number.

  1. Go to Settings >SHOP SETTINGS > Workflow.

  2. Under Packing slips , click the button Advanced options.


  3. Activate the option Swap the billing and shipping address on the packing slip and click on Save at the bottom right of the pop-up window.

  4. Click on Save at the top right of the screen to save the entire Workflow page.

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