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The Perfect Stock - Text
Niels van Vlerken avatar
Written by Niels van Vlerken
Updated over 3 years ago

The Perfect Stock will require your Perfect text! ✍️


What could be better than being able to enter your own texts for The Perfect stock? Nothing really, right?
With this option you can set the texts, this is of course very nice! Click 'edit' to get started! ✍️

Texts popup
Here you can set the texts for the popup, clickedon 'edit' ? Nice !


Sign up popup 🔧

As soon as a product is out of stock, you naturally want people to click on "keep me informed", a popup will open here. Which text should go here?
📯 Title: Enter a title for the popup here.
📯 Popup text: What content should appear in the popup? This is the text that comes under the title.
📯 Checkbox text: You must of course let the customer agree to the conditions, which text can be used here? Tip: put a term in [] followed by a link in () to create a clickable link that redirects to your link!
📯 Button text: Which text do you want in the button?

Popup thanks

Once a customer has signed up, the popup would change to a 'thank you popup', letting the customer know that he/she has successfully signed up.
📯 Success text: Enter the text here to make the confirmation even clearer!
📯 Button text: Which text should be in the button?

Texts email 🔧


Of course you can personalize the mail from The Perfect Stock!
Enter your desired subject , the desired text and enter a text for the button that the customer can click on to go directly to the product!
To personalize and automate everything you can use the following variables:
#{{ product_title }}: product title
#{{ product_block }}: product block with image and "Buy" button
#{{ shop_name }}: name of the shop

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